Posts Tagged ‘knitty’

Lost Month

I realized it has been nearly a month since I posted. And I am really, really sorry. I admit it, I have been moody. Not necessarily in a bad way, but I have been feeling especially private lately. I have been writing on real paper with a real pencil (yes, pencil) rather than in the blog.

Part of it is because this is a knitting blog and knitting and I have not been on especially friendly terms lately. Part of it is because Autumn tends to send me naval-gazing, and this year is no exception. Part of it is my focus has been on improving my surroundings – basically, I am the squirrel getting ready for winter right now.

So, Miralda and I had a falling out. I discovered a dropped stitch in the second row of the lace border pattern right next to the “spine.” Unfortunately, I only discovered the dropped stitch after I had covered another 33 rows and some 10,000 stitches. Miralda and I took a break. Last weekend, I finally hooked the dropped stitch back through as many stitches as I could locate (including a nupp), and stitched it down with a tapestry needle and matching yarn. The fix is not perfect, but the shawl went from being on life support to being healthy and whole, if slightly scarred. I have gotten to the body of the shawl, and many thousands of stitches left, but the end is basically in sight.

My dissatisfaction with my own skill level (or lack thereof) sent me fleeing from knitting for a while. However, Knitty is going to pull me back in. Their Deep Fall issue is out, and I don’t think there has ever been an issue of Knitty where I wanted to knit so many things in just one issue.

On my list of Must Knits from Knitty:

What a gorgeous cardigan! And with a zipper. No evil button holes!

This looks like an easy knit, and looks a lot like my old favorite around the house sweaters I used to wear. I could totally see knitting this from my own handspun.

I love cowls and I love this one. I am going to find an expensive luxury yarn and knit this. Or maybe that silk/merino waiting for me to spin needs to be a sport weight. Hm.

I admit it, I want to knit a skirt. This one might be a touch too short for Conservative Girl here, but I do like the way it looks.

I really like the way the color has been incorporated into the sides and collar. I think I could knit it in colors Byram would wear.

Looks like a fun pattern and could also be a great project for spinning a bulky yarn.

So, now I am full of knitting inspiration, just not for anything I currently have on my needles or have yarn already to go for. Now I have to resist the temptation to go buy more yarn! I will try and get back into the blogging swing of things next week after we get back from our last camping SCA event of the year.